Unblemished quality is an unbroken tradition at Nandu. Rigorous testing of the product at every stage of manufacturing is done through In-Process Quality Control (IPQC). This has enabled us to manufacture the highest quality products matching or even exceeding international specifications as well as our customers’ in-house requirements. We comply with stringent quality measures, and take initiatives to evolve them to ensure continual improvement in a consistent manner.
Salient Features
- Very low pyrogen content due to contamination free, totally closed production cycle.
- Extremely controlled low level Iron content to enhance membrane life.
- Availability of products at specified pH range and PSD.
- Additional in-house protocols incorporated as per the customer requirements.
True Source of Reliability
- Manufacturing facility in line with local and international regulations such as Schedule M, ICH Q7 cGMP regulatory standards.
- ISO 9001:2015, OHSAS 18001, FSSC 22000 certified.
- More than 4 decades of expertise.
- AHU to prevent cross/foreign contamination
- Rigorous testing of the product at every stage of production through In-Process Quality Assurance (IPQA).
- Continuous improvement through teamwork and innovation.